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Boat wash station

The Importance of Cleaning Your Boat After Embarking in Quebec

Quebec is renowned for its countless lakes and rivers, providing an idyllic setting for boating enthusiasts. However, these precious waters are threatened by invasive aquatic species (IAS), which disrupt ecosystems, reduce biodiversity, and negatively impact the local economy. To preserve these natural environments, Quebec’s Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks (MFFP) enforces strict measures. Among these, cleaning boats before and after launching is essential to prevent the spread of IAS.

1. Why Cleaning Your Boat is Crucial

Invasive aquatic species can easily spread from one body of water to another via boats and boating equipment. Here’s why cleaning is essential:

  1. Protecting the aquatic ecosystem: IAS, such as the zebra mussel, can replace local species, causing ecological imbalance.
  2. Economic impacts: Biological invasions harm fisheries, recreational boating, and water supply systems.
  3. High maintenance costs: Some IAS clog pipes and damage infrastructure, leading to costly repairs.


2. Cleaning and preventive measures

High-pressure cleaning

High-pressure washing is a fast and effective method to remove aquatic organisms and debris from your boat's hull, propellers, and other parts. Using a high-pressure washer ensures thorough disinfection of the boat after each outing.

Boat Washing Stations

The MFFP encourages the installation of boat washing stations at marinas and launching docks. These stations, equipped with high-pressure washers, facilitate deep cleaning of boats before they are launched, helping protect aquatic ecosystems.

3. Available Financial Aid

To support this initiative, the Quebec government offers financial assistance to marinas and other facilities. Boat washing station projects can receive funding covering up to 80% of eligible expenses, with a maximum of $30,000 per project. This encourages facilities to invest in the necessary equipment, making it easier for boaters to comply with preventive measures.



Boat cleaning plays a key role in preserving Quebec's aquatic ecosystems. By following MFFP guidelines and using boat washing stations, boaters actively contribute to protecting biodiversity and sustaining our lakes and rivers. Together, we can slow the spread of invasive aquatic species and ensure the health of our natural resources for future generations.


For more information on our high-pressure washing solutions or to learn more about washing stations for marinas, contact us at or call 450-641-6633.

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